
What is the purpose of the trading? Who will you trade with?

 Like activities related to your role, trading with someone else also requires planning. Therefore, the better you understand the situation or the more you master the subject that will be exposed, the easier it will be to obtain a trading that is advantageous for you. Knowing the person with whom you will trade can also be a fundamental step in the success of the trading.

So, note all the details that may be useful at the time of the meeting, be it a meeting, an informal chat, in short. Try to adjust the tone of voice and expressions according to the recipient of the message, this can generate more empathy and help you to express your interests more clearly and objectively.

Remember that there are people who give you more freedom and/or who are more intimate with you in the corporate environment, while there may be other colleagues who are more closed and not very receptive. And you will not speak the same way with both profiles, right?

Be precise in trading

As we said in the item above, the clarity and exposition of the message are fundamental. Therefore, do not treat the trading as an improvisation. Of course, knowing how to improvise during a trading is important, but if you have the opportunity to plan what you need, do it.

Perhaps it is much more valid to request a few minutes from your manager to expose some situations than to just comment with something of interest to him during a quick meeting at the café. Did you understand the difference? In the first case, you will be provided with information and with clear intentions. In the second, you are off guard, hostage to the manager’s mood and time, among other factors.

Remember that trading always involves someone else

Why do we say that? Because in most cases the employee is concerned only with his interests and objections, without considering that on the other side there is someone who may have similar interests or not.

And it is in those moments when a very big failure occurs: to stop listening. Not only because of the empathy itself and the great anxiety to expose your side, but it turns out that by listening to the other side you will be able to identify great bridges of interest to use in your favor, that is, listening is also an instrument that you can use it to learn more about the other party and identify strengths and weaknesses in your strategy.

trading is not just based on speech 

Another great tip is to study and learn trading techniques that go beyond speech, like expression and body language, for example. One of the typical cases in a trading is the position where the two parties will be, recommending not to sit facing each other, as this can cause a situation of confrontation. You may, for example, prefer to sit next to the person to generate a certain closeness.

Also avoid body expressions that can mean discontent or disinterest, such as folded arms, for example, which automatically puts the person closed to any trading.

So, did you understand a little more about the importance of trading in the corporate environment? Keep following the Slash blog for more tips and content on human and soft skills.