Marijuana is a well-known substance people use for deep relaxation and body soothing. According to law, there are many cases when medical marijuana can be prescribed. The list includes conditions like AIDS, arthritis, cancer, glaucoma, chronic pain, migraine, etc. If you are interested in getting medical marijuana cards in Pasadena, CA, here’s what you should know:
- Cannabis became legal in California in 2018. It means that a person must have a medical marijuana card;
- Medical cannabis patients can obtain the card in two ways: either by visiting the relevant specialist or via online interview;
- Only California legal residents can apply for such a card. The patient must be over 18. But if a minor needs it, a caregiver can apply on their behalf;
- So far, no limits are specified. It implies that a cardholder can have whatever amount a physician recommends. While there are no details on the reasonable amount, some documents mention 8 ounces;
- The insurance doesn’t cover the cost of applying for the medical marijuana card in Pasadena, CA. So, be ready to pay all the fees yourself.
Helpful tips you must take into account
To apply for an MMJ Card, one should gather the following documents:
- ID (valid driver’s license, passport, or state-produced ID);
- Proof of residency (utility bills, mortgage or rental deals, California DMV motor vehicle registration);
- A signed certificate. It is a document from the doctor. You can easily find a list of medical marijuana doctors on the Internet.
So far, Pasadena allows medical marijuana deliveries only. It implies that there are no legal locations for commercial sales or cultivation of marijuana. Like many other cities in California, Pasadena has decided to take things slow and learn from other neighborhoods.