
  7 Interesting Facts About Varicose Veins for Patients in Singapore

Varicose veins develop when your veins expand, widen, and get overfilled with blood. Your veins are swollen and elevated, with a bluish-purple or red appearance and are frequently excruciating. Doctors can diagnose male and female patients with varicose veins in Singapore and abroad.

7 Interesting Facts About Varicose Veins

Varicose and spider veins are commonly viewed as minor health issues since it does not interfere with everyday living. Hence, only a few patients seek varicose or spider veins treatment from reputable clinics in Singapore. These swollen or twisted veins produced by weaker or damaged vein walls and aberrant vein valves, particularly in the legs, are frequently ignored.

However, varicose veins in patients around Singapore can lead to more significant issues if not treated promptly and appropriately, like persistent ulcers and bleeding. Knowing the warning signals and facts about varicose veins can reduce the risks and severity.

Here are seven interesting facts about varicose veins everyone should know.

#1 External Treatments are Ineffective

External treatments do not eliminate varicose veins. A doctor at a reputable vein clinic in Singapore will conduct tests and procedures to diagnose the severity of your varicose veins. It can include taking a medical history, such as the onset of symptoms, pain characteristics, other health-related conditions and a physical examination.

They can also conduct a Duplex ultrasound to see if the valves in the veins function or if there is evidence of a blood clot. The noninvasive technology aids in determining the aetiology. It determines the appropriate varicose or spider vein therapy and treatment for patients in Singapore. Therefore, it helps in reducing the risk of illness recurrence.

#2 Can Occur in Any Body Part

Varicose veins can develop in any area of the body. Although twisted or dilated veins can form in any body part, varicose veins are more common in the legs. Furthermore, females are more likely than males to have varicose veins. Moreover, obese or overweight individuals and pregnant women are more likely to develop the ailment. Nonetheless, male patients exhibit more severe indications and symptoms, such as bulging veins resembling large cables on the legs and varicose vein inflammation. It affects capillaries and the lymphatic system in the surrounding areas. Immediately visit a vein clinic in Singapore if your varicose vein exhibits severe symptoms.

#3 Jobs can Contribute to the Development of Varicose & Spider Veins

Specific activities requiring prolonged sitting or standing can increase the likelihood of developing varicose veins. Lecturers or teachers, flight attendants, nurses, and office workers are the most common examples. Standing for an extended amount of time causes increased pressure in the leg compared to other body parts due to leg veins operating against gravity. Varicose veins in patients in Singapore are due to the combination of weaker veins and aberrant valves. Furthermore, various variables contribute to varicose veins during pregnancy, including hormonal changes, weight and total body fluid increase. It may impact the pressure of the veins, leading to altered blood flow.

#4 You can Prevent its Development

Varicose veins are most often avoidable. Improving blood circulation and muscle tone can significantly minimise the likelihood of having varicose veins in patients in Singapore or creating new ones. Among the suggestions are:

  • Avoid long periods of sitting or standing.
  • Regularly changing positions.
  • Exercise to improve muscle tone and vascular strength.
  • Control and keep a healthy weight.
  • Avoid wearing clothing that may restrict your blood flow.
  • Avoid high heels and restrictive hosiery.


#5 Look Out for Various Warning Signs

Achy or heavy legs, numbness, burning, throbbing, and swelling in the legs are all warning signs and symptoms of varicose veins. You should immediately visit a reputable vein clinic in Singapore if these anomalies are present.

Early detection of varicose veins improves the odds of treatment at clinics in Singapore significantly. If varicose veins are suspected, diagnostic testing often includes Duplex ultrasonography to see vein valves. Your doctor can also conduct other vascular tests to rule out potentially significant problems. The treatment is dependent on your symptoms and the severity of the condition.

#6 Varicosities have Degrees of Severity

Varicose veins can have varying degrees of severity. Mild manifestations may appear as spider veins in the superficial skin. However, severe varicose veins frequently appear twisted and bulging, often like cables, with skin darkening to a dark brown hue and dry skin. It may develop into ulcers. Seek the help of a doctor at a reputable vein clinic in Singapore to appropriately address varicose or spider veins.

#7 A Few Approaches to Treating Varicose Veins

Your doctor may choose a few treatment approaches according to the severity of your varicose veins. They are:

  • Wearing compression stockings with a pressure gradient all day is recommended as the first therapy in moderate instances of varicose veins. It consistently squeezes the legs and assists veins and leg muscles in circulating blood more effectively.
  • Your doctor might suggest receiving sclerotherapy at their clinic in Singapore for small and medium-sized varicose veins. The doctor will inject your small varicose veins with a solution or foam that scars and shuts the veins during the treatment. It usually takes between 15 and 30 minutes.
  • A catheter-assisted treatment involves inserting a thin tube into an enlarged vein and heating it with radiofrequency or laser radiation. The heat causes the vein to collapse and seal shut as the doctor removes the catheter. It can take around 30-45 minutes to finish. Your doctor will wrap an elastic bandage to the afflicted regions and recommend wearing compression stockings to avoid recurrences.
  • Endoscopic surgery may be the first option in a severe varicose veins case. The operation takes 1-2 hours due to the need for a general health examination before the surgery. Your surgeon will excise the affected portions and repair the remaining veins. They will wrap afflicted body parts with elastic bandages and recommend using compression stockings to support the damaged regions during post-operative care.

Visit a Reputable Vein Doctor for Treatment

Visit Dr Cheng for a thorough checkup. They offer a one-stop shop for venous and arterial problems in their vein clinic in Singapore, including vascular surgery. You can contact the clinic to set up an appointment. Visit their website to learn more about Dr Cheng, their clinic and their services.