
STD Test Symptoms

Do You Really Need an STD Test? Yes! All sexually active persons need STD testing no matter their sexual history or sexual orientation. There is not just one kind of STD test to be used. Depending on what STD you test for, the exam may be a genital skin test, a urinalysis, or an STD blood test. Depending on where you go to get the exam, you could have the results within minutes. Look at the test kits has to offer.

If you go to a routine health clinic or STD clinic, you may find that there are many STD tests that they offer. STD testing at a family or community resource clinic includes testing for Hepatitis A, HIV, and Genital Warts. You will also find STD testing at STD clinics in the county, state, or city that you are going to. If you have questions about STD testing at your particular health care provider, you can always ask your health care provider about STD testing at GoHealth Urgent Care.

Health Urgent Care offers both routine and special STD testing. Routine STD testing will include a physical exam and a swab sample. If you decide to have a urinalysis, you will be asked to provide a sample of fluid from the tip of your private area, the walls of the rectum, the vagina, and the anus. This is for the purposes of checking for bacteria. Your health care provider may also ask for information about sexual partners. If you are sexually active with multiple partners, it is important that you inform your doctor about this so that any potential infections can be treated.

Many STD doctors do not offer routine STD tests. For these doctors, it is important to see their patients only after having done one or two tests. They may also want to talk with you about your concerns about sexually transmitted diseases before taking a proactive role in treating your infections. Your primary care doctors will be able to tell you whether or not you should be seen by specialized doctors for STD tests.

Go health centers offer highly trained nurses who are knowledgeable about STD infections and can help you determine if you might have an STD. When you go to a health center for STD tests, you will fill out a self-questionnaire. The nurse will then ask questions about your personal information as well as any recent illnesses or current medications you take. Once the nurse gathers all of your information, he/she will run some tests and then ask you some questions. The purpose of this is to determine if you are positive on STD symptoms, or if you might have other conditions such as gonorrhea or chlamydia.

If you test positive for STDs, there are various treatment options available. Most health care providers recommend using antibiotics to treat conditions such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, while other STDs respond well to more extensive treatment. Most treatment methods are long term and can be effective even if symptoms do not disappear completely. However, it is best to go to an STD clinic instead of a drug store where you might be misdiagnosed or treated with something that does not suit your condition. STD testing symptoms are very easy to identify, but you should always seek medical attention if you experience any of them.