According to the Office for National Statistics, businesses that had not shut down completely in 2020 are resuming and new investments are joining the service-providing market. The new investments are bound to bring forth about $ 1 trillion in US GDP between 2021 and 2022. Operational businesses like fitness gyms in Nashville TN have incorporated means to accommodate all members while following COVVID-19 prevention measures. The following are seven ways in which these gyms have changed into the new normal.
1. The Use of Face Coverings
Staff and visitors are encouraged to use face coverings when accessing the premises. Gym members are allowed to exercise without masks to avoid getting suffocated while working out. However, some gyms have designed personalized masks for their clients. They allow them to work out without breathing difficulties.
2. Few Clients per Session
To obey the social-distancing rule, gyms have designed workout sessions for their members that allow only a few members into the gym. During these workout sessions, the gym is spaced out and everyone has their working out spots. Most gyms have also stopped doing old-style circuit boot camps. This exercise requires the gym members to touch the equipment after each other.
3. Fitness Gyms in Nashville TN Have Introduced Online Sessions
Most gyms had online classes before the pandemic broke out but these sessions were not much active since many members preferred one on one sessions. After COVID-19 hit, more clients started inquiring about online sessions so that they could work out from home. Gyms improved its online services to give their clients quality services. Even as COVID-19 cases have gone down and measures are being loosened, online sessions are still active.
4. Intense Cleaning
Gyms require deeper cleaning like scrubbing of floors, toilets, and using disinfectants than most business premises. This is due to the number of people accessing them and the possibility of touching surfaces. This ensures that people are working out in a clean environment hence reducing the risks of contracting and spreading COVID-19.
5. Regular Screening
All gym members and staff are screened by security personnel for COVID-19 every day before accessing the premises. Anyone found with COVID-19 symptoms like fever, coughing, shortness of breath, difficulties in breathing, vomiting, and chills are sent back home. Also, anyone who has come into contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case is not allowed into the gyms until they quarantine themselves for 14 days.
6. Improved Ventilation
A poorly ventilated room can be disastrous during this COVID-19 pandemic. Gyms have gone a step ahead and improved their ventilation system to allow quality circulation of clean air. Clients feel more at ease when they are not in confined closed-off premises.
7. Collaboration With the Health Department
Most gyms are working with the national ministry of health to sensitive their clients on the importance of following the World Health Organization (WHO) measures. In case of any suspected case of COVID-19 in the gym, the health department steps in and helps the gym to control the situation.
Most fitness gyms in Nashville TN are still operational and offering quality services. They have put some measures in place to keep their clients and staff safe COVID-19. If you are looking for a gym that follows health measures, has quality equipment, and has professional trainers, contact Next Level Fitness in Nashville on (615) 329-2747. We have some of the best trainers in the market who will guide you towards a life of health and fitness both in work out and meal planning.