
6 Benefits of Video Depositions You Should Know About

Pretrial discovery and preparation sometimes include a deposition of a possible witness by the attorney. A deposition is conducted outside of a formal judicial proceeding. The reliable court reporter writes it down for future reference in case law. With lawyer video depositions in Nashville, TN, not only are the questions and answers between the attorney and witness captured but so are the witness’s reactions to those questions, including their facial expressions and body language, which would otherwise be lost in a written transcription.

Why Should a Deposition Be Filmed?

A deposition is used for two primary reasons: to collect evidence and to discredit witnesses. A court reporter who has built a solid reputation among their clientele may have firsthand knowledge of several instances in which an attorney successfully elicited testimony from a witness that was decisive in the outcome of a case.

Sometimes the deposed individual has no idea what questions the attorney would ask, leading to impromptu responses. The witness has likely already been through at least one round of questioning by the attorney (at the deposition) and may have gone through some preparation with the opposing side’s counsel by the time the case reaches trial.

If a witness tries to modify their evidence during the trial in Nashville, TN, having such remarks on film will prevent that. Compared to reading remarks from the original deposition transcripts into the court record, a video of the witness contradicting may be considerably more convincing to the jury.

Videotaped testimony may be an excellent resource for lawyers in court.

In most cases, both attorneys may learn essential details about the witness via lawyer video depositions in Nashville, TN. More specifically, it can give insight into how a witness will perform before a jury. Some people are just more comfortable in front of an audience than others. Anyone who can’t hold their own in a video deposition won’t be able to do it in front of a jury, too. The attorneys should use this information when they negotiate a settlement.

You may learn and develop through video content.

Few individuals have ever seen themselves in a courtroom setting. Most individuals have never testified before (except for expert witnesses), and doing so for the first time is notoriously difficult. Video depositions might be viewed as an educational opportunity in Nashville, TN. A witness who is unduly confident in their abilities to endure cross questioning may be humbled by video deposition. Witnesses with distracting habits like clicking their tongues or biting their hair can be trained to stop doing so before trial with a video deposition. When getting ready for trial, a video deposition may be a valuable tool for spotting problematic patterns of conduct.

Videos Reveal More Than Words

People judge others by what they say and how they come across. The manner, eye movements, and fidgeting of an expert witness captured on camera during a deposition might shed light on whether or not the witness is telling the truth. More information is gleaned through lawyer video depositions in Nashville, TN, than from written testimony alone.

Videos Keep track of the happenings in the background.

In addition to observing the witness’s body language, the fact finder can notice other information that would not be included in a written deposition. The video records any activity, such as a cough, a shake of the head, or anything else that may be a signal from the attorney to the client. 

Impeachment Hearings in Nashville, TN, with Video Evidence Are More Successful

The fact finder can compare apples to apples using a video deposition. The expert’s manner and tone are compared to live testimony and evaluated by the fact finder using the video deposition. Insinuations of contradictory testimony are possible in light of this new information. Impeachment using videotaped depositions is thus much more likely to hold the fact finder’s attention than merely reading a transcript of the deposition.