People have different ways to pass their time. Some watch television series, while others go to read books. But aside from these two, you will see people spending their time in the kitchen cooking food or baking something to satisfy their cravings. And if you are thinking of doing the latter, you need to learn what you should use for the recipe you have in mind. Start by buying kitchenware or baking tools, and check the ingredients you need, like wholemeal flour in Singapore.
Flour is an essential part of your baked goods. You cannot get the correct taste, texture, and consistency you want for your bread and cakes if you do not use flour. Even if you see tutorials on the internet that tell you how to bake without flour, you will notice the difference in the taste and result. With this, start learning how to choose the correct whole wheat flour you will buy in Singapore. You can do the following tips:
Every time you buy something, do not forget to check the brand. It is how you will know if you can trust others or not. Since you are already on the internet, look for a brand many people trust with their baking ingredients. By choosing the correct one, you can guarantee that your wholemeal bread recipes are better. But if you have doubts about the brand, check baking tutorials online and see what bakers use for their bread and pastries. Those can give you an idea of how to start with what you will bake.
Aside from checking the brand, consider what you will bake. Different flours are available for various pastries, so ensure you know what to do. Check tutorials on the internet for ideas about how to do the goods you want.
The next thing you need to do is check the different types of flour. Distinguishing their differences can guide you on what to use in your recipe. You do not need to worry every time you are in the store because you know what flour you should buy. To help you with the purchase, here are the ones you will see in the store:
As the name suggests, you can use cake flour for your pastries and cakes. It creates a unique texture with your desserts, making the consistency soft and chewy. This flour is low in protein compared to others. If you check chocolate chip cookies and other recipes on the internet, cake flour is one of the things you will see. Have it on your list to ensure you get all the ingredients.
If you need something high in gluten and made from wheat, bread flour is what you need to buy. You can use it in many recipes for breakfast, like bread, as the name states. If you need something high in protein, buy this product.
All-purpose flour is called that way for something. The name already says that you can use it in anything you will bake and cook. If you want to bake cookies, make bread for breakfast, or have pizza as your snack, this flour will help you create them.
Buy whole wheat flour in Singapore if you want to create bread too. You might think it is similar to other flours, but it gives you a different consistency on your baked goods. The taste might be similar, depending on the person who will eat it. You can create many things using this type, but comparing the result to others will help you determine what you want.
If you need something non-wheat, soy flour is one. You will notice this flour because of its colour. If you compare it to others, it is light yellow. But when it comes to the taste, it gives your tongue some hints of nuts, even if there is none. Mix it with different desserts with nuts and other flavours to minimise the taste. This flour is high in protein because it is non-wheat.
Another non-wheat flour is oat flour. As the name proves, this flour and oatmeal are from the same ingredient. So if you are into eating oatmeal, guarantee that you eat similar food from oat flour. The taste can also differ, so do not expect too much in this area. Check how it is different with wholemeal flour.
Another type of flour you will see in the market is rice flour. This flour is for you if you need something with a different texture. Anticipate that this ingredient is tasteless, but you can enhance it if you make something out of it. Aside from bread and pastries, you can also create crackers. This ingredient is what you can use to do it.
Aside from using whole wheat flour for your bread, you can also buy tortilla flour. But here, you can bake anything you want because of its gluten content. If you are into buns, biscuits, and muffins, this ingredient is what you should never forget. It can do things in your baked goods.
Understanding the different types of flours can give you a better view of what you should bake in your kitchen. It is easy to do and ensures you spend your money on something right. But aside from the ones above, check the following:
- Bromated Flour
- Self-Rising Flour
- Instant Flour
- Gluten Flour
- Graham Flour
- Potato Flour
Baking might not be easy for some because they do not know how to start doing it. But if you are interested, these tips can help with your baking experience. You may check other baking tips to give you more ideas on how to do your future speciality. To learn more about high fibre flour and the others, visit the website of Prima Flour.