
  Myths And Misconceptions About Snoring | Sleep Apnea In Singapore

Have you ever caught yourself snoring in the middle of the night? How about sleeping beside someone who snores thunderously? People often joke that when someone snores, they are having a good sleep. But most of the time, it is not the case. It could be sleep apnea in Singapore.

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where the person is experiencing obstructed and disrupted breathing. Snoring is only one of many noticeable and discreet symptoms of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is not a condition that can be taken for granted. It can lead to chronic health conditions, including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

However, some factors curtail the seriousness of these conditions, including the myths and misconceptions. These myths lead to misinformation. Learn about the facts behind these misconceptions.

Myths And Misconceptions About Snoring And Sleep Apnea In Singapore

Don’t get fooled and be complacent by believing in these myths and misconceptions regarding snoring and sleep apnea in Singapore.

MYTH #1: Sleep apnea is a minor issue

How can snoring hurt you? Perhaps this is only one of many excuses why many treat sleep apnea as a minor health issue. There are three types of sleep apnea in Singapore: obstructive, central, and complex.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is caused by fats, collapsed muscles, and the tongue blocking the airways.

Central sleep apnea is caused by the inability of the nervous system to send signals to the muscles and lungs to breathe.

Complex sleep apnea is the combination of obstructive and central sleep apnea.

The question is: is sleep apnea in Singapore not dangerous?


Obstructive sleep apnea in Singapore has several chronic complications, including cardiovascular problems, such as hypertension, heart attack, coronary artery disease, heart failure, and stroke.

Similar to obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, it may also lead to diabetes and obesity.

Moreover, daytime sleepiness, a complication of central sleep apnea in Singapore, may lead to road accidents.

MYTH #2: People with a healthy weight are not at risk of sleep apnea

Obesity indeed is a contributor to the onset of sleep apnea. The fat surrounding the airways and lungs may constrict and obstruct the air passageway.

But does having a healthy weight or being skinny exempt you from sleep apnea in Singapore?


As explained earlier, central sleep apnea is not due to obstruction in the airways but due to problems in the nervous system. The brain fails to send signals to the body to breathe; hence, the person suffering from CSA stops breathing temporarily.

People, skinny or not, using drugs, substances, and certain medications, and who have suffered from stroke may develop sleep apnea in Singapore.

Additionally, anatomical factors, like narrow necks, may also develop obstructive sleep apnea despite having a healthy weight.

It is better to consult with an ENT doctor in Singapore to evaluate your risks of obstructive and central sleep apnea.

MYTH #3: Alcohol will improve the quality of sleep


Another symptom of sleep apnea in Singapore is sleep disruption or waking up frequently at midnight. It may be because you choke while asleep due to obstruction in the airways and lack of oxygen due to abnormal breathing. Sleep apnea in children also causes night terrors, which interrupt their sleep.

Nevertheless, fragmented sleep only leads to daytime drowsiness, irritability in the morning, and behaviour problems in children.

Some people drink alcohol or a glass of wine before bedtime in the hopes of a better quality of sleep.


Imbibing in alcohol before bedtime is not advisable if you have sleep apnea. Although one of the effects of alcohol is making you sleepy, it does not mean it will give you the quality of sleep.

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is a stage of sleep where people start dreaming vividly. REM sleep is vital in brain development, memory, and emotional processing.

Alcohol reduces REM, thus, giving you poor quality of sleep. Additionally, alcohol reduces your lung capacity to diffuse oxygen to the bloodstream, aggravating the adverse effects of sleep apnea!

It is better to consult your ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist for ways to improve your breathing whilst sleeping to reduce sleep disturbance.

MYTH #4: Only adults and older people get sleep apnea

Most adults with age 40 and up are already experiencing sleep apnea, especially males. But it does not mean young adults and children are exempted from this sleeping condition.


Sleep apnea can affect people of all ages because of several factors.

Genetic disposition plays a role in developing obstructive sleep apnea in Singapore.If you acquire a narrow neck, you have a high risk of getting OSA at a young age.

Overweight adults and teenagers can also get obstructive sleep apnea.

Children with enlarged tonsils and adenoids also develop obstructive sleep apnea as these abnormalities block their airways.

Consult an ENT doctor in Mount Elizabeth if your children show signs of sleep apnea.

MYTH #5: People who snore have sleep apnea

Snoring and choking in sleep are indeed signs of sleep apnea in Singapore. But do all snorers have sleep apnea and those who don’t are safe?


Not all snores are attributed to sleep apnea. Light and infrequent snores are considered normal. If it is accompanied by other symptoms, including restless sleep, daytime drowsiness, choking, and urinary incontinence, you need to visit an ENT doctor in Singapore for further tests.

Snoring can also be a sign of several conditions other than sleep apnea, including hypertension and diabetes.

It is also possible for a person to have sleep apnea but does not snore. However, they may exhibit other signs of difficulty in breathing whilst asleep, such as choking, laboured breathing, and breathing pauses. Consult your ENT doctor in Mount Elizabeth for proper diagnosis.


The best advice is don’t ignore the snore. If you know someone who snores or you catch yourself snoring, don’t be complacent. Visit your ENT doctor in Singapore for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

ENT Surgeons

ENT Surgeons provide you with various sleep apnea treatment options in Singapore. Visit ENT Surgeons today.