
List of Popular B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering Colleges in Maharashtra

There are a total of 5 Colleges in Maharashtra that offer B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering course. The details about these colleges, the eligibility criteria of the students, and the admission process of B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering Colleges in Maharashtra are mentioned below-

  • IIT Bombay:

About college: IIT Bombay is a renowned Institute and is situated in Powai, Mumbai. This Institute was established in 1958. IIT Bombay offers a 4-year B. Tech in Aerospace Engineering course.

Eligibility criteria: To pursue a B.Tech course in Aerospace Engineering from IIT Bombay a student must complete a 10+2 or 12th final year examination with Physics, Biology, and Chemistry or 3 years diploma course in engineering in any stream from any recognised University/Board.

Admission process: Students should also qualify for the AME CET examination. The admission process is based on the scores obtained by the student in JEE Main and JEE Advanced examinations.

  • Amity University, Mumbai:

About college: Amity University is situated in Panvel, Mumbai. This Institute was established in 2014. Amity University offers a 4-year B. Tech in Aerospace Engineering course.

Eligibility criteria: To pursue a B.Tech course in Aerospace Engineering from Amity University, a student must complete a 10+2 or 12th final year examination with Physics, Biology, and Chemistry or 3 years diploma course in engineering in any stream from any recognised University/Board.

Admission process: Students should also qualify for the AME CET examination. The admission process is based on the scores obtained by the student in JEE Main and MHT CET examinations.

  • School of Engineering, MIT ADTU:

About college: MIT ADTU is situated in LoniKalbhor, Pune. This Institute was established in 2015. MIT offers a 4-year B. Tech in Aerospace Engineering course.

Eligibility criteria: To pursue a B.Tech course in Aerospace Engineering from MIT ADTU a student must complete a 10+2 or 12th final year examination with Physics, Biology, and Chemistry or 3 years diploma course in engineering in any stream from any recognised University/Board.

Admission process: Students should also qualify for the AME CET examination. The admission process is based on the scores obtained by the student in JEE Main, MHT CET, Uni-GAUGE, and PERA examinations.

  • Indian Institute for Aeronautical Engineering and Information Technology:

About college: Indian Institute for Aeronautical Engineering and Information Technology is situated in Nashik. This Institute was established in 2001. This Institute offers a 4-year B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering course.

Eligibility criteria: To pursue a B.Tech course in Aerospace Engineering from Indian Institute for Aeronautical Engineering and Information Technology a student must complete a 10+2 or 12th final year examination with Physics, Biology, and Chemistry or 3 years diploma course in engineering in any stream from any recognised University/Board.

Admission process: Students should also qualify for the AME CET examination. The admission process is based on the scores obtained by the student in SU JEE, JEE Mains, and MHT CET examinations.

  • Sandip University:

About college: Sandip University is situated in Nashik, Maharashtra. This Institute was established in 2014. Sandip University offers a 4-year B.Tech in Aerospace Engineering course.

Eligibility course: To pursue a B.Tech course in Aerospace Engineering from Sandip University, a student must complete a 10+2 or 12th final year examination with Physics, Biology, and Chemistry or 3 years diploma course in engineering in any stream from any recognised University/Board.

Admission process: Students should also qualify for the AME CET examination. The admission process is based on the scores obtained by the student in the SU JEE examination.


These are the top 5 colleges that offer undergraduate engineering courses in Aerospace Engineering. All these colleges are located in various cities of Maharashtra. Though the eligibility criteria of every college are the same, the admission process is different in each of the colleges. Based on the rank obtained in the entrance examinations, students are called for counselling followed by the admission process.